Nobis Hotel - Stockholm, Sweden

The hotels are normally places where all people are supposed to experience fine and welcome, where everybody can enjoy a three day stay, no matter what their tastes are when talking most interior design. That is why hotel designers commonly choose neutral tones and get for the archetype look and arrangement because this way they can't go incorrect. A very good example of taste and style is the Nobis Hotel situated in the cardinal square in Stockholm, Sweden.

Nobis Hotel Suite 2 699x450 View in gallery

This hotel benefited from the work of a famous architect and designer called Claesson Koivisto Rune who succeeded in blending the past and present in a very pleasant mode. The hotel was build back in the 1880s (or at to the lowest degree a part of it) so the xterior is one typical for the old buildings, but it likewise has something that is feature to the bourgeoisy of the fourth dimension: elegance and style. The history of the place is complex, every bit it housed a bank in the by and there was here a bank robber held four people hostages and generated the term "Stockholm syndrome" to beginning announced into apply.

Bathroom details View in gallery

So you will see the modern furniture and all the modern appliances combined with the quondam-fashioned, but amazingly beautiful edifice materials similar marble and stone, the archetype rooms with high ceilings staying close to the very modern and luxurious confined and restaurants. Hither are some of the features that describe this hotel best of all: comfort, personality, warmth, atmosphere, casual elegance, gimmicky timelessness and durable quality.

One room suite space View in gallery

The 201 rooms all await calm, but as well sophisticated, offering the best comfort and the latest technological ways, only also the peace and quiet that are specific to the nineteenth century. Even though the blueprint may expect elementary, the materials used are of all-time quality and sense of taste.


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